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Stemma Press is proud to offer two excellent books on plant breeding.
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Essentials of Plant Breeding
2nd Edition
Rex Bernardo
Professor and Endowed Chair in Corn Breeding and Genetics
University of Minnesota
Hardbound, 261 pages, 27 tables, 71 figures
ISBN 978-0-9720724-4-1
Publication Year 2023 US$82
Essentials of Plant Breeding is a textbook for a first-semester course in plant breeding. This book describes how modes of reproduction affect the choice of breeding methods, and outlines the breeding methods appropriate for self-pollinated, cross-pollinated, and asexually propagated species. Essentials of Plant Breeding includes a review of basic genetics; an introduction to the use of DNA markers in plant breeding; and a description of general features of breeding programs for field crops, vegetables and fruits, forages, turfgrasses, flowers and ornamentals, and tree and palm species.
Breeding for Quantitative Traits in Plants
3rd Edition
Rex Bernardo
Professor and Endowed Chair in Corn Breeding and Genetics
University of Minnesota
Hardbound, 422 pages, 65 tables, 75 figures
ISBN 978-0-9720724-3-4
Publication Year 2020
Most of the economically important traits in crops are quantitative and are controlled by many genes. Breeding for Quantitative Traits in Plants investigates the application of quantitative genetics to plant breeding. This book is an ideal text for a graduate-level course and a useful reference for practicing plant breeders.
Table of Contents and Sample Pages